TC83B0-3005A510NA - Handheld Touch Computers
TC83B0-3005A510NA - Handheld Touch Computers
Zebra Technologies
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Maximize Productivity with our Handheld Touch Computers
Tc8300, Base, 2D Imager Extended Range (Se4850), 4 Gb Ram, 32 Gb Flash, All-Touch Te, North America (Us, Ca, Pr)
Increases productivity by 14% over the typical handheld device, by eliminating continual tilt motions to read the display or use keyboard after each scan
Next generation All-Touch TE pre-licensed and pre-loaded. Start in legacy green screen and migrate to a modern GUI over time
The latest QC SD660 architecture with support through Android R and 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WiFi radio with 2x2 MU-MIMO for maximum coverage and throughput
Options include: Camera, NFC, Scan vibe, Condensation Resistance, DPM, Hands-free scanning, and high memory. See Configuration Matrix for details (in resources)
113 in stock
Regular price
$2,828.00 USD
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$2,828.00 USD
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